Jérémie Wenger is a Swiss writer and programmer based in London. His practice explores the intersection between literature, constraints and generative processes, as well as the consequences of the rise of Artificial Intelligence on literature and the self.

Excerpts from Chains, forthcoming in TILT 0005, 2024, (eds: Henry Goldkamp, Nam Hoang Tran).

Excerpts from Chains, published in Vernacular, 2024.

Excerpts from Lacanage, published in Strings 2, 2024, (eds: Alex Aspden & Alex Keramidas).

Nik Papageorgiou, Large Language Models feel the direction of time, EPFL, 2024.

“to begin with…”, from Artificial It, published in GRASS, issue 4, 2024. Editor: Tommy Sissons, @englishgrass

Cubes, constrained writing on cubic surfaces, inspired by Ilse Garner’s “Puzzle-Alphabet” (2010), presented at Manifold, an Electric Gold exhibition showcasing the wide variety of original work by the staff and alumni from Goldsmiths’ renowned Computing department, 2024. p5.js/JavaScript/Python

Départs presented at the symposium: 3ai.24: Art in the Age of AI, Corfu, Greece, 2024.

Wellung III a, ToCall No. 20 (contributors, shop), 2024. A visual/generative tribute to Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt (1932-2024). Editor: petra schulze-wollgast (psw). p5.js/JavaScript

Gonograph, 2024. Polygonal constrained writing & dedicated web text editor. JavaScript

Machines Poétiques: Introducing textual systems through experimental French poetry, 2024, Goldsmiths College, London. One-day computational poetry workshop with Iris Colomb. p5.js/JavaScript

With Vassilis Papadopoulos, Clément Hongler. “Arrows of Time for Large Language Models”, 2024. A study on the probabilistic modeling performed by Autoregressive Large Language Models through the angle of time directionality, ICML 2024 Oral.

rebut|robot, 2024. Pipeline de filtrage et de réécriture de datasets autour du thème du déchet utilisant le Siamesor (« Siamoiseur ») pour le Projet éditorial Arkhaï. Shell/Python

Three Squares published by Pamenar Online Magazine, 2024. Editor: Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi

Pieces from Squares and Chains presented at A-Side / B-Side, St James Hacham, Goldsmiths College, 2023. Curation: Eden Chahal and Marisa Di Monda

Squares, 2022-3. Constrained writing based on algorithmically generated word squares. Shell/Python & dedicated PyCairo renderer

Chains, 2022-3. Garlands of (mostly) cliché phrases & dedicated web reading interface. p5.js/JavaScript

The Enchanted World of Omninas, 2022-3. Framework for working with generalised sestinas. Python & dedicated PyCairo renderer
  ”sestin”, sestina in homage to Arnaut Daniel
  ”albertine”, Proustian starter ‘tourniquenina’ (septina)
  ”Doom and pain came…”, rotating diagonal octina

p5.GPT: OpenAI’s ChatGPT with p5.js, 2023. ChatGPT/p5.js/JavaScript

Machines Poétiques: Introducing textual systems through experimental French poetry, 2023, Goldsmiths College, London. One-day computational poetry workshop with Iris Colomb. ChatGPT/p5.js/JavaScript

Bilingual Lab, 2022-23. Monthly online poetry course with Iris Colomb, Beyond Form Creative Writing

Machines Poétiques: Transreading Twentieth-Century French Poetry, 2022-23. Monthly online poetry course with Iris Colomb, The Poetry School

DIY Freud, 2022. Automated therapist on the cheap, essay

Art Projects, 2022. “Comrade, what is your art project? – Hito Steyerl”. Prose [unfinished]

Les crimes hybrides? L’écrit m’y bride!, 2022, Lausanne. Talk, The Quine Association

“le regret”, 2022. Oulipian refutation of a well-known sonnet

pas peu lunaire, 2022. Homophonic variations on Apollinaire’s “Chantre”

Machines Poétiques: Introducing textual systems through experimental French poetry, 2022, Goldsmiths College, London. One-day computational poetry workshop with Iris Colomb. p5.js/JavaScript

minGPT fork, 2022. Byte-level, alphabet-agnostic tokenization & TPU/XLA integration & first steps towards in-training gradual generation, PyTorch/Python

bridges, 2022. A GPT-2 wrapper class & gephyrurge (bridge-maker) using forward and backward text generation, with Pr. Clément Hongler. GPT-2/Tensorflow/Python

Départs, 2021. Prototype pour une pièce radiophonique à deux voix, avec des textes issus de réécritures de matériaux générés par des modèles de langue, utilisant l’architecture Transformer, (notamment, entre autres, le GPT-3 d’OpenAI). GPT-2/GPT-3/p5.js/JavaScript

jsml, 2021. Combinatorial homage to Jackson Mac Low. Python [unfinished]

Alors seulement le rêve, 2021. Textes neuraux utilisant des matériaux générés par des modèles de langue affinés pour le français. GPT-2

Vegans, 2021. Neural fiction: variations on one single prompt. GPT-2/GPT-J-6B

Lacanage, 2021. Neural texts using materials from a language model finetuned on Jacques Lacan and my own texts, with Alan Cunningham, supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. GPT-2

Kirjasto/Library, 2021. Exhibition of Artificial It and Artificial It (“to begin with…”) in Helsinki, Finland. Curation: Jonni Korhonen

Inanimaux, 2020. Textes neuraux utilisant des matériaux générés par des modèles de langue affinés pour le français. Shell/GPT-2

CHATBOT, 2020-1. Act and dialogue with a conversational agent-actor. A research project of the Manufacture School of Drama in Lausanne, Switzerland, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, under the direction of Nicolas Zlatoff. Shell/BeautifulSoup/GPT-2/Python

exist digressively, 2020. Exhibited by Text Type Light in Stockholm (Sweden)

Google TTS reads foreign texts with an unreasonably accurate accent, 2020. Casual mischief with Google’s Text-To-Speech system. Python

The Siamesor, 2019. The breeding of Siamese words, aka werewords. Python & dedicated Processing renderer

Wordhoard, 2019. Greedily hoarding words & wordhoards…

A Scroll, 2019. …written on a scroll found on the street…. Prose

Ça artificiel, 2019, Lausanne (Switzerland). Exposition au Cabanon dans le cadre du Printemps de la Poésie
  Ça artificiel (« pour commencer… »)
  Ça artificiel (morceaux I-VIII)
  L’écriture et son double (essai) 
  Ça artificiel (logismes)
  Pastiches & mélanges

Pastiches & mélanges, 2019. Génération automatique de textes grâce au deep learning. ml5.js/Python

L’écriture et son double (essai), 2019. L’écriture à l’épreuve de la machine. Péritextes présentés à l’occasion de l’exposition Ça artificiel à Lausanne

Writing and its Double (essay), 2019. Writing to the test of the machine: Peritexts presented during the exhibition Ça artificiel in Lausanne

Ça artificiel (« pour commencer… »), 2019. Textes neuraux utilisant des matériaux générés par des réseaux ‘doppelgänger’, entraînés sur mes propres textes. LSTMs/Python

Artificial It (“to begin with…”), 2019. Neural texts using materials from ‘doppelgänger’ networks, trained on my own texts. LSTMs/Python

Ça artificiel (morceaux I-VIII), 2019. Textes neuraux utilisant des matériaux de réseaux ‘doppelgänger’, entraînés sur mes propres textes. LSTMs/Python

Artificial It (lumps I-VIII), 2019. Neural texts using materials from ‘doppelgänger’ networks, trained on my own texts. LSTMs/Python

Ça artificiel (logismes), 2019. Traduction de logisms. Génération neurale de mots grâce à des modèles de langue avec tokenisation par caractère. LSTMs/Python

Artificial It (logisms), 2019. Neural word generation using character-level language models. LSTMs/Python

Death of a Research Engineer, 2019. A jest after Chekhov. Prose

Ça artificiel, 2018. Textes neuraux utilisant des matériaux de réseaux ‘doppelgänger’, entraînés sur mes propres textes. LSTMs/Python

Macau, 2019. Prose

Recursus, 2018, Goldsmiths Computational Arts MA final year show. Triptych of computational literature composed of WordSquares, Subwords and AIT

AIT (Artificial It), 2018. Steps toward Neural Text Generation, using materials from ‘doppelgänger’ networks, trained on my own texts. LSTMs/Python [forthcoming publication in gorse]

Squares (formerly Wordsquares), 2018. Recursive foray into squares of letters as a poetic form. Python & dedicated Processing renderer

Subwords, 2018. Literary tools to work with subsequences of strings. Python & dedicated Processing renderer

Laces, 2018. Circular poetic word paths using the Levenshtein distance. Python & dedicated Processing renderer

What do we know about Tessa K.?, 2018. Prose

Euclideas, 2018. Several small rhythmic pieces in the form of Max patches, functioning as ‘perpetua mobilia’ that can be turned on to produce a variable, but ultimately cyclical and indefinite stream of beats. Max/MSP

Computational Thoughts, 2017-8. An archive of posts written in the context of the Master’s in Computational Arts at Goldsmiths College, University of London, academic year 2017-2018

Monodrian, 2017. A series of Processing sketches in homage to Mondrian. Processing

Ideas, 2017. A list of ideas and suggestions presented as part of my submission for the Master’s in Computational Arts at Goldsmiths College, London

Tomorrow Is the Past of Some Distant future, 2017-8. Texts for a music piece by Davor Branimir Vincze

Six Poems, 2017.

Essay, 2017. Prose

Neovalis, 2017. Texts with and around Novalis’ Hymns to the Night, Novalis Festival, Croatia

Sandra K. wakes up…, 2017. Fiction

Situs Vetus, 2017. Tumblr and Twitter

Inflected Points, 2017. Texts for a music piece by Davor Branimir Vincze

An Essay on London, 2016-17. Prose

Solids, 2016. Plato meets perversion, constrained texts based on Platonic solids, with composer Remmy Canedo [unfinished]

Four Poems, 2016.

A short electroacoustic essay of autobiographical nature regarding music and unrelated matters, 2016, London. Texts for a music piece by Davor Branimir Vincze, Kammer Klang/Cafe Oto

Sleep Wars, 2016. Essay

A Scholar, 2016. Fiction

It VI, 2015-2017.

It V, 2015.

Explosure / Preexplosure, 2015, Frankfurt. Constrained, letter-based textual complex produced at the invitation of Jagoda Szmytka for Play night. Installation, GIFs & Tumblr blogs

EUHOQ, 2015. Constrained Duchampian texts for a music piece by Davor Branimir Vincze

Londoners, 2015. Fiction

« Les Ailleurs de Pierre Jodlowski. Festival les Amplitudes 2015 », 2015. disssonance 131.

It IV, 2014-5.
  criticism & study
  method & idea
  more unvague
  some say

It III, 2013-14.
  itted (plus quotes)
  something else (almost unvague)
  word-, namefuck
  words (logorhythm (logosis))

Map Manifesto, 2013. A poetic reading of underground maps. WordPress site

It II, 2012-3.
  real void
  text machine
  translations and readings
  voice machine

ALP texts, 2012. Four chords or chord structures on a theme by ALP

“Deleuzian Tetradecasyllabic (hence Square) Sonnet, for C.P.”, 2012.

“switzerland”, 2012. Poem

Eight Texts Opus 1, 2012. Poetry
  The Ruin
  Geneva Lake
  Tryptich on idleness
  Why Ezra Vanity
  An answer to Campos
  And now that my venom

It I, 2012-3. [revisions 2014-15]
  wall system

Opus, 2009-16. Former abode of It. WordPress site

« Lieux de la quête. Composer, penser, depuis Royaumont en 2011 », 2012. dissonance 118.

« Désirs du commentaire dans le Séminaire VIII, Le transfert, de Jacques Lacan. Essai de théorisation », 2012. In François Félix and Philippe Grosos (dir.), Érotisme biblique, érotisme païen : lecture du Cantique des Cantiques et du Banquet de Platon, Lausanne, L’Âge d’homme.

« Miroirs – de l’écoute. Correspondance autour du canon musical aujourd’hui », 2012. In collaboration with Dragos Tara, dissonance 119.

« Lieux de la quête. Composer, penser, depuis Royaumont », 2012. dissonance 118.

« Miroirs – électro-acoustiques. Petit essai épistolaire romand sur des questions de composition contemporaine », 2011. in collaboration with Dragos Tara, dissonance 115.

« La Fin Justifie-t-elle les Moyens ? A Derridean Halt in Harris’ Long Walk », 2011. in collaboration with Noël Christe, in Language Sciences, Volume 33/4, Bade, David & pablé, Adrian (eds.), « Linguistics Out of Bounds : Explorations in Integrational Linguistics in Honour of Roy Harris on his 80th Birthday ».

« Of Fig and Foes : A Short Reflection on Roy Harris Intellectual’s Stance », 2011. In collaboration with Noël Christe, Language Sciences, Volume 33/4. Bade, David & Pablé, Adrian (eds.) « Linguistics out of bounds : Explorations in Integrational Linguistics in Honour of Roy Harris on his 80th birthday ».

« Tentations de la clarté. Auprès de Reflecting Black de William Blank », 2010. dissonance 110.

“Bookself”, 2010. Poem

“All / Saw / Damaskèd You”, 2009. Poem, Muse 2, Université de Lausanne

Old Old Words, 2007-11. Old old words of mine. WordPress site

Sept textes pour rien, 2004
  I. “Ainsi le cri renouvelé”
  II. “Aux douces rondeurs chevalines”
  III. “Retournons à tant d’inutiles gargarismes”
  IV. “Pornographie”
  V. “Fatigues”
  VI. “La lune tapisse mes yeux”
  VII. “La nuit me fait peur le passage”

Opus 1, 2003-04. [unfinished]

Dérive, 2002. Fiction

Traces, 2000. Fiction